Gnosis Product Offerings

Cowboys Don't Do Lunch
Native New Yorker Herb Cohen was, by nature, an observer. Cowboys Don’t Do Lunch is a book of portraits, skillfully detailed photographs of the last of the real cowboys and characters who lived in Cave Creek as it transitioned from a full-time cattle ranching community into an incorporated town. Herb captured images few had access to at the time, photos that reveal the historical and cultural significance of the people that settled these regions. Unintentionally and certainly without knowing it, Cohen documented the True West.
Book: $50.00
(includes shipping & handling)

Constructions has been out of print for over 15 years, but now, due to persistent demand, Gnosis, Ltd. has published a second edition, revised, with an updated chronology and bibliography, and a new Foreword. Using the vocabulary of glass and steel, Alfred Newman Beadle (1927-1998) transformed the desert with his own brand of Modernism for over 40 years. His notable achievements include high rise buildings, multiple-family housing and apartment complexes, single family homes and commercial office structures, warehouses and retail buildings.
viii + 119 pp., 19 drawings on vellum, 36 b&w
ills. 2nd ed., Cave Creek, 2008 (Architecture In Arizona, No. 3)
Edited with an Introduction by Bernard Michael Boyle
Book: $30.00 + $5.00 S&H = $35.00

Film by Gnosis
Gnosis film "beadlearchitecture"
DVD Copy: $30.00/DVD + $5.00 S&H = $35.00

Blaine Drake: 40 years of Architecture in Arizona
This book stands as the most thorough catalogue of the work of seminal architect Blaine Drake. Developed from an exhibit held at the Arizona State University, School of Design in Tempe, AZ (1992), Drake's work and accompanying philosophic underpinnings are laid out clearly, and accessibly.
iv + 57 pp., photographs, drawings and perspectives
ills. 1st ed., Tempe, 1992 (College of Architecture and Environmental Design)
Edited with an Introduction by Bernard Michael Boyle
Book: $30.00 + $5.00 S&H = $35.00

Wright in Arizona: The Early Work of Pedro E. Guerro
A selection of photographs from the Pedro E. Guerrero collection in the Architecture and Environmental Design Library, at Arizona State University; this survey of photographs documents Frank Lloyd Wright's work, the importance of his artistry and creativity as an architect.
iv + 47 pp., photographs
ills. 1st ed., Tempe, 1995 (Herberger Center for Design Excellence)
Edited with an Introduction by Bernard Michael Boyle
$30.00 + $5.00 S&H = $35.00

Pedro E. Guerrero: Portrait of an Image Maker
Film, From Gnosis
Pedro E. Guerrero photo © J.Millstein/iLLume Photo
Full-length version
Gnosis' film "Pedro E. Guerrero: Portrait of an Image Maker"
DVD: $30.00/DVD + $5.00 S&H = $35.00

Michael P. Johnson: The Unshakeable Search for Architecture
By Louise Noelle, with foreword by Juhani Pallasmaa, designed by Aris Georges
The book, about the life work of Architect Michael P. Johnson, speaks directly of his regional buildings in both his native Wisconsin in his early career through the work after the migration to Arizona. It also expands upon his work in New York, Colorado, California in the US and further in Canada, Mexico and Italy. In addition, it examines the methodology of Michael’s involvement in teaching at the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture for 25 years. One of few books that explores the benefits good architecture can have on our everyday lives.
Book: $29.95 + $5.00 S&H = $34.95
Mayme Kratz / Stand Still

From Gnosis
Mayme Kratz photo © Katherin Colaw
A film that engages a dialogue about the elements and particulars of Kratz’s sensibility. The documentary attempts to capture, without interpretation, a glimpse into the elusive process of creativity, which connects us all.
More information at: www.maymekratz.com
Gnosis' film "Mayme Kratz / Stand Still"
DVD: $30.00/DVD + $5.00 S&H = $35.00